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  • OPRC IMO Level 2
    OPRC IMO Level 2
    Multiple Dates
    Mon, Dec 09
    This is the second level of a comprehensive training program in the field of oil pollution preparedness and response, including the availability of expertise for the development and implementation of training programs.
  • Managing Sales Performance
    Managing Sales Performance
    Multiple Dates
    Mon, Dec 09
    Through the Managing Sales Performance course, we invite participants to be able to manage the overall sales team performance so that the team becomes more effective, solid, and synergistic in achieving sales targets.
  • Working at Heights
    Working at Heights
    Multiple Dates
    Mon, Dec 09
    The “Working at Heights” Training is designed to provide personnel with the ability to recognize the potential for serious injury when working at heights and determine safe methods available to minimize the risks involved.
  • Energy Isolation
    Energy Isolation
    Multiple Dates
    Mon, Dec 09
    The course will provide authorized workers with step-by-step procedures for isolating equipment using such techniques as lockout tagout, lockbox, blinding, misalignment, double block and bleed, and single valve isolation.
  • Petroleum Project Economics & Risk Analysis
    Petroleum Project Economics & Risk Analysis
    This course provides practical guidance in the application of the techniques of the economic analysis currently used in the oil & gas industry
  • Electronic Filing & Documentation Management
    Electronic Filing & Documentation Management
    If the concept of a filing document management system is used properly in an organization, it will help maximize the service process, both to internal customers and to external customers, to create a good image and enhance the competitiveness of the organization.
  • Rigging & Manual Lifting
    Rigging & Manual Lifting
    Multiple Dates
    Tue, Dec 10
    Most crane accidents can be prevented by field personnel following basic safe hoisting and rigging practices.
  • Mastering Training Needs Analysis & Training Evaluation
    Mastering Training Needs Analysis & Training Evaluation
    This two-day workshop couples new concepts and proven strategies with critical skill practice needed to prepare you for immediate on-the-job application.
  • Applied Project Management
    Applied Project Management
    Multiple Dates
    Tue, Dec 10
    In this course, participants will learn the fundamentals of project management: how to initiate, plan, organize, control, and execute a project that meets objectives and satisfies stakeholders.
  • Strengthening Business Acumen and Collaboration
    Strengthening Business Acumen and Collaboration
    In today’s increasingly complex business environment, leading organizations recognize superior strategy execution as a critical opportunity. However, the results of this study confirm that many companies are currently constrained by a business acumen gap.
  • Effective Managerial Skills for Middle Management
    Effective Managerial Skills for Middle Management
    This program offers an opportunity for team leaders and managers to acquire insights, explore leadership & people management concepts, and examine actionable strategies for building the kind of leaders who are capable of enabling their employees to deliver their optimum performances.
  • Mastering Strategic Planning
    Mastering Strategic Planning
    Multiple Dates
    Tue, Dec 10
  • Treasury and Risk Management
    Treasury and Risk Management
    Multiple Dates
    Wed, Dec 11
    This course provides the mandatory foundation knowledge required to understand and run business processes for treasury and risk management.
  • Introduction to Upstream Business Process & Practice in Oil & Gas Operations
    Introduction to Upstream Business Process & Practice in Oil & Gas Operations
    The workshop provides an overview of the upstream activities, particularly in Indonesia. The workshop provides non-technical support personnel with an overview of the exploration/production process.
  • Logistic Management
    Logistic Management
    Multiple Dates
    Wed, Dec 11
    This training will build your understanding of the complexities of logistics management and planning by introducing the processes used, including outsourcing, network design, and distribution center management.
  • Performance Management System
    Performance Management System
    Multiple Dates
    Wed, Dec 11
    This course offers participants an in-depth explanation of several systems, their components, and building blocks. The course also tackles an important consideration, namely the proper launch, follow-up, and training of managers and employees responsible for successfully implementing such systems.
  • Achieving Results: Smarter Goal Setting, Planning & Decision Making
    Achieving Results: Smarter Goal Setting, Planning & Decision Making
    This fast-paced training course will take you step-by-step through from the big-picture thinking and goal setting down to the daily details of planning and achieving results for yourself and your team.
  • Assertive Communication, Excellent Work Behaviour and Proactivity
    Assertive Communication, Excellent Work Behaviour and Proactivity
    The main objective of this training is to train managers and supervisors on the assertive and effective communication skills they need to build team cohesion and drive up staff effectiveness in the workplace. In addition, this training aims to strengthen excellent work behavior and proactivity.

Our Upcoming Trainings

Crane Inspector Certification
Crane Inspector Certification

Mon, Feb 19



Crane Inspector Certification

Pengoperasian Crane memiliki dampak dan risiko besar pada segmen pekerjaan dimanapun lokasinya. Maka inspeksi terhadap Crane perlu dilakukan secara intensif bahkan setiap saat sebelum pesawat angkat ini dioperasikan.

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Time & Location

Feb 19, 2024, 8:00 AM – Feb 23, 2024, 5:00 PM


About The Training


Pengoperasian Crane memiliki dampak dan risiko besar pada segmen pekerjaan dimanapun lokasinya. Maka inspeksi terhadap Crane perlu dilakukan secara intensif bahkan setiap saat sebelum pesawat angkat ini dioperasikan. Inspeksi rutin menjadi cara untuk mendeteksi potensi bahaya ataupun kondisi yang bisa menyebabkan terjadinya kecelakaan kerja. Pengoperasian pesawat angkat tidak dapat dipastikan keamanan dan keandalannya tanpa inspeksi keselamatan yang rutin dan pemeliharaan preventif.

Undang-undang Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja (K3) mewajibkan perusahaan untuk memiliki personil yang kompeten untuk memeriksa kelayakan pesawat angkat apapun sebelum di operasikan. Personil inilah yang disebut Inspektur Crane yang bertanggungjawab penuh dalam proses inspeksi pesawat angkat dalam perusahaannya. Inspektur Crane adalah pemegang jabatan tenaga teknik khusus yang mempunyai kompetensi kerja standar sektor industri minyak dan gas. Namun tidak hanya di industri Migas, Inspektur Crane juga vital perannya dalam pengelolaan pesawat angkat.

Potensi pertambangan minyak dan gas bumi dan industri lainnya yang menggunakan pesawat angkat menjadi faktor dominan pada strategi pembangunan negara Indonesia. Maka perlu sumber daya manusia (SDM) yang memiliki kompetensi terbaik dan terstandarisasi.


  • Memahami upaya Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja melalui pendekatan inspeksi teknik K3 guna mewujudkan produktivitas kerja dan efisiensi yang optimal
  • Memahami standar kompetensi Crane Inspector sesuai standard dan melaksanakan tugas dan tanggung jawab sebagai Crane Inspector dengan baik dan benar
  • Memahami pelaksanaan inspeksi teknik dan penilaian kelayakan konstruksi pesawat angkat angkut berdasarkan standard dan peraturan perundang-undangan K3 yang berlaku dalam bentuk teori, inspeksi teknik, dan pembuatan laporan inspeksi untuk keperluan sertifikat dan perizinan

Target Participants

Pelatihan ini sesuai untuk diikuti oleh: 

  • Engineer
  • Crane Inspector
  • Maintenance and Mechanical Technicians
  • Supervisors and Crane Operators
  • Bagian Workshop
  • Safety Officer
  • Personel yang ingin memahami tentang Crane Inspector.

Course Outline

  1. Pengantar Sertifikasi Kompetensi Berbasis SKKNI
  2. Materi Berbasis Unit Kompetensi
  3. M.712035.001.01 – Melakukan Verifikasi Dokumen Pesawat Angkat
  4. M.712035.002.01 – Melakukan Identifikasi Pesawat Angkat
  5. M.712035.003.01 – Menerapkan keselamatan kerja di tempat kerja
  6. M.712035.004.01 – Melakukan Pemeriksaan dan Verifikasi Struktur
  7. M.712035.005.01 – Melakukan Pemeriksaan dan Verifikasi Kait Pemegang Beban (Hook)
  8. M.712035.006.01 – Melakukan Pemeriksaan dan Verifikasi Tali Baja
  9. M.712035.007.01 – Melakukan Pemeriksaan dan Verifikasi Bagian yang Berputar
  10. M.712035.008.01 – Melakukan Pemeriksaan dan Verifikasi Sistem Penggerak
  11. M.712035.009.01 – Melakukan Pemeriksaan dan Verifikasi Kelistrikan
  12. M.712035.010.01 – Melakukan Pemeriksaan dan Verifikasi Sistem Indikator
  13. M.712035.011.01 – Melakukan Pemeriksaan dan Verifikasi Tabel Beban (Load Chart)
  14. M.712035.012.01 – Melakukan Pemeriksaan dan Verifikasi Boom
  15. M.712035.013.01 – Melakukan Pemeriksaan dan Verifikasi Beban Pengimbang (Counter Weight)
  16. M.712035.014.01 – Melakukan Pemeriksaan dan Verifikasi PeralatanPengaman
  17. M.712035.015.01 – Melakukan uji unjuk kerja
  18. M.712035.016.01 – Membuat Evaluasi dan Rekomendasi Hasil Pemeriksaan Pesawat Angkat
  19. M.712035.017.01 – Membuat Laporan Hasil Pemeriksaan Pesawat Angkat

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